Cosmetic Tattooing Aftercare: Maximize Your Stunning New Look

cosmetic tattoo aftercare

To optimise the outcomes of your semi-permanent makeup procedure, make sure you are diligent about the cosmetic tattoo aftercare recommendations given to you by our cosmetic tattooist Nanna.

Proper cosmetic tattoo aftercare is vital to maintain the beauty and quality of your cosmetic tattoo, extending its longevity and vibrancy beyond the application. Dedication to essential aftercare practices supports healing and ensures long-lasting results.

Following expert aftercare advice is vital for optimal healing and pigment retention. Key steps include keeping the treated area clean, avoiding sunlight, and avoiding picking at scabs.

Nanna recommends using a gentle cleanser with hands only, avoiding scrubbing, followed by gently drying with a soft tissue. From there, applying the aftercare creams is essential. Each step plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal healing and long-term results.

The aftercare timeline, which typically includes stages like the wet heal phase characterised by scab formation and the dry healing phase marked by flaking skin, provides a roadmap for what to expect as your tattoo heals. 

Follow the timeline and provided guidance for a smooth healing process and to maintain the integrity of your cosmetic tattoo.

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One Step at a Time: Mastering Your Eyebrow Tattoo Aftercare Journey

After getting your new brows, expect them to look darker, more defined and bolder at first. Your skin may swell, appear pale, and have patchiness due to the procedure and anesthetic.

These effects usually fades within a couple hours. Over time, the colour and intensity is expected to fade by 30-50% during healing.

Day 1, Intense Colour & Shape

Begin by gently applying the recommended aftercare cream with a cotton bud twice on the day of your procedure to keep the treated area moisturised.

Day 2 Nourish & Protect

Transition to applying the aftercare cream using a cotton bud 2 times daily,  to ensure the area remains nourished and protected.

  • Tattooed areas often feel tight and tender to the touch.
  • Do not apply make-up on the treated area for a minimum of 48 hours, with an optimal duration of 7 days.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight, sweat, steam, and swimming for at least 48 hours, extending up to 7 days for optimal healing.
Day 3 Dry & Scabbing
  • Continue to apply the recommended aftercare cream sparingly using a cotton bud 2-3 times a day.
  • The tattooed area might start to flake, resembling a sunburn. It's common for this flaking to peel off unevenly.
  • Avoid picking, scrubbing, scratching, or itching the treated area.
Day 7-28 Visibly Normal Skin Texture
  • From approximately day 7 your brows and skin will display obvious signs of healing, You can begin your normal regime after the finalised result has been revealed.

Second Session

In the second session, usually 4-8 weeks after the first, adjustments are made to the brows like darkening the colour and filling in gaps. This session should be booked within 3 months of the first one unless otherwise discussed.

Despite the results appearing less intense initially, the aftercare routine remains the same as instructed at the previous session.

When to Colour Boost

This is dependent on the technique used and also the client’s own skin and long term care.

For Nano hair strokes and Combination Eyebrows, recommended between 12-18 months.

For Ombre Eyebrow Tattoos and Powder Brows, recommended between 12-24 months.

Reasons why your permanent make up may need colour boosting more often: use of retinol/vitamin A, oily skin, thyroid condition, exercise frequently, swim in chlorinated pools regularly and do not use sunscreen or sunglasses. Also the lighter the pigment colour selected the quicker it will fade.

Do you need more tips? Check out this article about Ombre brow tattoo aftercare!

What Comes Next? After Permanent Eyeliner:
Your Day-to-Day Healing Journey

The skin typically fully restores itself about 7-10 days following a permanent tattoo procedure. During the initial 7-10 days, the dermis undergoes healing while the pigment gradually settles further into the skin. This settling process is essential for the final appearance of the tattoo.

Day 1-2 Bright and Dark Colour

Following your cosmetic eyeliner tattoo procedure, expect some initial intensity in colour that will gradually settle along with temporary puffiness and redness which usually diminish within 2-3 hours.

To aid in the healing process, the technician will apply the recommended aftercare cream with a cotton bud to keep the treated area moisturised which is the same process for Brows and Lip Blush aftercare.

If you feel swelling discomfort reduce the swelling by using cool water-soaked cotton rounds, ensuring to maintain hand hygiene. For better healing refrain from sleeping face down for the first 10 days.

Day 2 Be Attentive to Instructions

The initial phase of the healing process may involve the pigment appearing darker, which is a normal occurrence. To maintain cleanliness, it is advisable to gently blot the treated area with clean, wet cotton rounds or wash the eyes delicately with warm water.

Avoid rubbing the area; instead, dab and pat with a clean tissue or towel, allowing it to air dry. It's crucial to continue applying the aftercare cream 2 times a day for optimal healing.

Day 3-7 Dry and Scabbing

During days 3-7, you may notice the formation of crusts and scabbing, a totally normal part of healing. If you experience some itching, you can gently apply a thin layer of aftercare cream to alleviate discomfort.

It's crucial you DO NOT PICK, PEEL or SCRATCH the treated area as doing so can lead to uneven colour healing, potential scarring, and risk of infection.

Allow the scabs to fall off naturally, but if they are resting on your eyelashes, you may carefully remove them. It's normal for a few lashes to get caught in the crust as they naturally shed, so there's no need to be alarmed.

Day 10- 14 Ongoing Healing

Your skin has completed its healing journey, although it's still delicate and prone to sensitivity. The scabs have started to vanish, the itching has subsided, and the pigment has settled to a softer hue.

While you continue to pamper your skin, it's best to hold off on any cosmetic treatments, eyelash dyeing, sauna sessions, or dips in the pool for a little while longer.

Day 14 Visibly Normal Skin

Throughout this phase, as the pigment continues to settle and get absorbed, you might notice some shifts in colour – be it vibrant, rich, or slight lightening.

Remember, everyone's skin reacts uniquely. Don't be alarmed by any gaps in your eyeliner initially.

These minor imperfections will be perfected during your touchup appointment, typically scheduled 4 to 8 weeks post your initial cosmetic tattooing session.


  • Do not use mascara until outer healing is complete. Do not use old tubes of mascara. 
  • Use of saline eye drops is.
  • Eyes may be sensitive to gardening, dust and dirty hands.
  • Do not perform heavy household cleaning such as garage or storage cleaning where there is a lot of airborne debris–now is not the time!. Care must be taken to keep the eyes clean and free of bacteria.

Things You May Want to Avoid For Optimal Healing

  • Using eyelash curlers for 2 weeks. Clean eyelash curler with alcohol prior to using.
  • Eyelash extensions for a minimum of 2 weeks post your eyeliner procedure.
  • Retin-A, Glycolic Acids, Alpha Hydroxy Acid ( AHA) near eyes to avoid premature fading.
  • Direct sun exposure and tanning beds for a minimum of 4 weeks after your procedure. Direct sunlight can cause the pigment to change colour while it is healing and can also cause hyperpigmentation and scarring.
  • Swimming and bathing for 4 weeks to avoid bacterial infection.
  • Pools, sauna, steam rooms, steamy showers, and hot baths for 10 days.

How often do Eyeliner Tattoos Need to be Touched Up?

Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of colour is to be expected or fading of the pigment.

Semi-permanent makeup changes over time for several reasons. Fading can occur due to sun exposure, tanning, skin care products/makeup remover, and your skin’s natural exfoliation process. The purpose of the touch-up visit is to correct any colour or shape issues.

The first touch up can be done after 1 month to 2 months. The colour boost or annual touchup is recommended to maintain the result and it is usually done no earlier than 6 months to 1- 2 years. Touchup sessions are a must, if you want your eyeliner or lash enhancement tattoo to last longer. If you miss your first touchup session its very likely you will be back after 6 months.

For clients who came to their touchup on time often last 1 to 2 years (even 5 years) before needing a colour refreshment.

Lip Tattoo Aftercare: Ensuring Beauty from Day One

Day 1 Vivid Colour

After getting a lip tattoo, ensure your hands are clean before touching the treated area.

Refrain from getting the lips wet for the first 24 hours. Avoid drinking hot beverages or eating spicy foods that can cause sweating.

If there is any oozing or excess pigment, gently dab the area with a clean cotton pad soaked in sterile water.

Apply a thin layer of aftercare balm provided by your artist whenever you're lips are feeling dry to keep the lips hydrated and promote healing.

Make sure you drink lots of water to hydrate from the inside out.

Day 2 Follow Advice with Care

Still, avoid submerging the lips in water and use a straw if possible, and be cautious when eating or drinking to prevent any product transfer or irritation.

Be sure to keep your fluids up to avoid unnecessary dryness from dehydration.

If necessary, continue gently dabbing the area with a clean cotton pad to remove any excess pigment.

Apply the aftercare balm several times a day or when feeling dry to keep the lips moisturized and aid in the healing process.

Avoid Sun Exposure, protect your lips from direct sunlight to prevent fading of the tattooed area.

By following these lip tattoo aftercare instructions diligently during the first two days, you can ensure proper healing and long-lasting results.

Days 3-7 Moisturise to Boost Recovery

Marks a crucial stage in the healing process of your lip tattoo. During this period, it is essential to continue following the aftercare instructions diligently to ensure proper healing and long-lasting results.

Make sure you drink lots of water and keep your lips well-hydrated by applying a thin layer of aftercare balm or ointment recommended by your tattoo artist.

This will help prevent dryness and promote healing.

Refrain from exposing your lip tattoo to water or excessive moisture. Be cautious while eating or drinking to prevent the tattooed area from getting wet.

Protect your lips from direct sunlight or tanning beds during this healing phase. Sun exposure can fade the pigment and hinder the healing process.

Use a cotton pad dipped in lukewarm water to gently clean your lips. Avoid using harsh cleansers or rubbing the tattooed area vigorously.

Steer clear of applying any makeup or lip products on the tattooed area for at least the first week. This will prevent irritation and allow the tattoo to heal properly.

Try not to use products containing drying agents, such as alcohol or exfoliants, near the lip tattoo. These can disrupt the healing process and affect the final outcome.

Keep an eye out for any signs of infection, such as extreme redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any concerning symptoms, contact your tattoo artist or a healthcare professional immediately.

By following these aftercare guidelines diligently during days 3-7 of your lip tattoo healing process, you can support optimal healing and ensure that your lip tattoo retains its vibrancy and longevity.

Day 7-28 All Healed

It's important to continue following a diligent routine throughout to ensure proper healing and long-lasting results.

Continue a moisture regime by applying a thin layer of aftercare balm or ointment to the tattooed area multiple times a day to prevent dryness and promote healing.

Minimize sun exposure to the lips as much as possible and use a lip balm with SPF when going outside to protect the tattooed area from UV rays.

Under no circumstances pick at any peeling skin on the lips is crucial to prevent scarring and ensure the pigment heals evenly.

Drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated from within, which aids in the healing process.

Avoid lip matte products on the tattooed area to prevent reactions.

Keep an eye out for any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus discharge, and contact your tattoo artist or healthcare provider if you notice any concerning symptoms.

Following these aftercare guidelines diligently during days 7-28 post lip tattoo procedure is essential for optimal healing.

To maintain the vibrancy of the pigment, with long-lasting results, it is recommended to retouch the colour of your lip blush tattoo after the initial healing process, which usually takes about 6-8 weeks.

This touch-up session helps ensure that the colour remains vibrant and the tattoo looks fresh and defined. Regular colour retouch appointments, typically every 1-2 years, can help maintain the desired look of your cosmetic tattoo over time.

Feel free to check out this blog about do's and don'ts after a lip tattoo procedure for additional guidance!

Concluding Your Aftercare Journey

To sum up, taking good care of your cosmetic tattoos is key to a successful healing journey. By simply following the recommended steps and using the right aftercare products, you can not only support optimal healing but also reduce the risk of any complications.

Moreover, maintaining vibrant cosmetic tattoos over time requires some TLC, like shielding the treated area from sun exposure and pampering it with suitable skincare essentials to uphold the pigmentation's brilliance.

For lasting and fabulous results, it's vital to reach out for professional advice and guidance. Tattoo artists and cosmetic tattoo experts are your go-to peeps for personalized recommendations that cater to your skin type and specific requirements.

Their invaluable insights will steer you towards the top-notch practices in aftercare, safeguarding the endurance and excellence of your cosmetic tattoos for years to come.

If you have any questions about the procedure or the aftercare post treatment reach out to Nanna as soon as you have a concern to avoid any potential healing issues.

cosmetic tattoo aftercare

Nanna works out of two awesome spots: Warriewood on the Northern Beaches and Ultimo in the Sydney CBD.

You can catch her in action from Monday to Friday between 10 am - 6 pm, and Saturdays by appointment only.

Nanna offers ombre brow Eyebrow Tattoo, lip blush Lip Tattoo and Eyeliner Tattoo treatments.

These services provide a convenient one-stop solution for enhancing your overall look, offering a full range of semi-permanent makeup options to suit your preferences.

At Cosmetic Tattooing we only use organic vegan based pigments which are CE certified, that meets the ISO 9001 : 2015 EU regulation standard, in addition to the extremely strict German Regulation on Cosmetics and Tattoo Pigments being 100% safe, cruelty-free, never tested on animals and does not contain animal by-products.

Reaching out to her is super easy, via Messenger, SMS or email.

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You can also check out our - Google reviews  Warriewood StudioUltimo Studio and Facebook Page reviews.

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